How We Work

Location, construction and equipment of schools

Every school site has the size of 0.33 acres. In most cases, the land is donated by people from the community. Each Anandalok School is constructed cost-efficiently. The buildings have a ramp for children with physical disabilities, four classrooms, a teacher’s office with an attached library and three toilets. Every classroom is 30m2 in size and receives sufficient natural light. One room is particularly designed for pre-school students. Currently, Anandalok schools have three types of building structures. Steel sheet building are used at the chars for shifting during river erosion at emergency. One the other areas, schools are full concrete building or corrugated tin on top. All schools are equipped with learning and teaching materials. These are complemented with self-made materials over time, e.g. seeds or jute sticks for Maths lessons or simple toys made out of coconut leaves. Every Anandalok School has an open space where students assemble at the beginning of the school and play outdoor games in leisure time. The school campus is beautified with a small garden of flowers and other plants.

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