AT in News

Annual General Meeting 2023-2024

We are happy to share that Anandalok Trust successfully held its Annual General Meeting (2023-2024) on June 30, 2024. Our esteemed chairperson, Dr. Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, led the meeting, inspiring us all with his visionary leadership. We were honoured to have the presence of our dedicated executive and general members. In the meeting, we discussed our achievements of the last year and strategised for the future. Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the success of this important event.

Impact of Flooding on Education in Anandalok Schools


The ongoing flooding in Bangladesh has severely disrupted the education of Anandalok School students, particularly in remote areas. Many families are facing financial crises due to the loss of land and livelihoods, which has made it increasingly difficult for students to continue their studies. Anandalok Schools are primarily located in embankment and char areas, shaped by the Teesta, Padma, Gaurai, and Jamuna rivers.

The Flooding Crisis

During the monsoon season, sudden floods inundate these areas, leading to:

  • Land Loss: Families are displaced as their agricultural land washes away, creating a precarious situation.
  • Financial Hardship: With limited income sources, many families struggle to support their children’s education.
  • Infrastructure Challenges: Insufficient infrastructure compounds these issues, making access to schools even more difficult.

Risks to Education

The main risk to the success of our intervention is the recurring severe flooding, which can undermine efforts to ensure students remain in school. Addressing these challenges is crucial to supporting education in these vulnerable communities.

Call to Action

We are committed to finding solutions and supporting affected families and students. Your support can help provide resources and infrastructure improvements to ensure that education continues despite these natural challenges.

For further information or to contribute, please contact us or visit our donation page. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these students.